After living in Nashville for 25 years, we decided to find some land. We found our home at the top of a hill in the Lascassas, TN area. From the top of the hill we have a 360° view of the 61-acre homestead, and it is beautiful enough to share some pictures with you. This site is meant to share some of that beauty, as well as chronicle our attempts to tame this rugged place.

David is an author, speaker, and advisor. He grew up in a small village in the northern highlands of Guatemala with a Mayan Tribe of Indians. He moved to the US in high school, and starting a marketing firm after college before finally building a consulting practice that serves that same market (digital, creative, marketing firms).

Julie worked full-time after college until switching to being a mother to our two boys, Jonathan and Nathan (who now have families of their own). She now manages our publishing operation and supports the seminar events we produce in Nashville. She gardens, sews, and stays very busy keeping this place running.